Gamify your life - Notion Template
Turn your life into a Video Game.
"Gamify your Life" is a Productivity System and Life Management system that makes you treat your goals and life in general as a Video Game.
Why is it easier to achieve success in Video Games?
Video Games give you a clear route to success
Video Games track your progress easily, generating motivation
What if you could have a system that provided these systems in real life?
Gamification follows 3 major strategies:
Making Clearer Goals
Making 'Grindable Goals'
Tracking Progress reliably
This Notion Template provides a system for you to set up and start easily.
Read this post talks about how you can implement video game rules into your life for a more productive and enjoyable life.
What's Inside?
Gamification Template
Template Manual
2 Interconnected Databases
Detailed Guide to Gamifiying your life and it's benefits
Organize Goals into Missions and Tasks for Game like tracking
Level Up System to track progress